Just a kid with a pad
and a pen and a

big imagination

did the impossible!!
i participated in the financial treasure hunt..after being approached by the ever brilliant clarence..n i said ok on the spot..after lookin for a third member for a while..our team was born..

the competition was held all over s'pore..we had to race to so many places to answer finance was crazy..haha..from SGX capital square to NTU den bac to NUS..I nv had to tink abt financial qns when i'm still was an experience we'll nv forget..Lol.. nonetheless..i had an amazin team..their knowledge were like an encyclopedia..notice i used the word 'they'. Cos i knew nth!..haha..

We finished the race as fast as we could..and waited for the prize felt like of honour late as usual..haha..but who could blame them?..afterall they were Mrs Lim Hwee Hua (Minister of state for finance and transport) and other key appointment holders from citibank and business times. sure they have busier schedules than me..haha..

the results were as follows:
1st Place : Team from NTU
2nd Place
: Team from SMU(Freshmen Team!!)
3rd Place: Team from NTU

we didn't finish as high as we wanted...we were second!! haha yes yes..the freshman team was my team..kee kee kee...we beat 73 other teams including all our seniors..they were shell shocked..hehe..POLY EDUCATION IS ACTUALLY USEFUL!!(esp NYP)..haha..all 3 of us were from polys.