Just a kid with a pad
and a pen and a

big imagination

bOrInG wEEk

phew.. finally scrapped past a really borin week whereby nth realli happened in camp.. haha... of course realli.. i sneaked out more often than not..hehe...
but was bed from 7am to 3pm everyday...haha..borin stuff...luckily i had some games and movies to watch to kill time for bed became a make shift cinema...should start chargin all of them...n dat would make me a veri rich boi...heheh...
was forced to take IPPT on thur and i was onli informed like on wed...damn! was champions league final nite...n my last wed to go for ladies nite...haha...but oh was my ORD as well jus clear it...but to my amazement...or disgust fitness has taken a serious plunge...i din gd no gd...tink i gotta start workin out to tone my body abit more..get abit bigger and tanner..hee...this current body is not acceptable..
Well but i did manage to catch Poseidon..not a bad least its not the cry ur heart out Titanic flicks u know...oh but i would strongly discourage anyone watchin scary movie 4 and Ice Age would be a pure waste of time...those 2 movies realli disappoint me..was lookin forward to a gd laugh...but hai...they were puttin me to slp instead...though the startin of scary movie 4 was quite funny though..but still...both is a 3 out of 10 ratin on the Alan Phua Board of Review...
Gotta go meet someone now...signin off here...ciao...