Just a kid with a pad
and a pen and a

big imagination
arTS Cafe @ Esplanade

realli alot of things to update..haha..all in one day..since lesson is borin todae..i decided to multi-task and attend lesson n write blogs at same time..Lol..

anyway..i played a couple of gigs with alvin at the esplanade..on the last few friday evenings..and have to say..i miss perfomin in the public..feels great to be bac..haha..not dat i was realli there and big..but its kinda fun though..playin for ppl..and gettin butterflies in my tummy..i'm veri shy one ok..haha..

e next show will prob be in Oct though..with alvin of co..the wonder singers..its always an acoustic set at esplanade for us..for now..u shud hear him sing!..haha..but now we're kinda workin on gettin the full band to once we're ready..we'll rock the school!..Lol..

Hirzi, Izyan, Me, Munah, Alvin & Nurah
Dudes i met @ Arts Cafe..
Who nv fail to cum watch us guys rock!!

Socceroos! Hui & Roland..among the supporters.

Looks like a pro huh!..n i dun even smoke..Lol